Contact us
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may haveEmployees
Alcensoft A/S
Firskovvej 6
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Business +45 2073 3410
Tech. support +45 2227 2010
E-mail: info(at)

Jacob Nielsen
Managing director, CTO, M.Sc.E.
Jacob is our chief of tech, and managing director as of primo 2024, having more than 15 years of experience within business-critical systems with high demands on operation and performance. Jacob joined forces with Jan and Maciejs team at Sirius IT and since 2010 owned and operated Alcensoft A/S with Maciej and Jan with the mission developing and supporting the Safecon alarm receiving center software. Jacob has since 2006 concurrently worked as a consultant with maintenance, support and projects at the Danish Maritime Authority in cooperation with Government- and partner employees at all levels. With a broad and deep understanding of technical issues Jacob can identify and correct operational problems other than ordinary AM-tasks. He is among others an expert in strategic development and infrastructure, design-, programming- and tuning of database systems like MS SQL Server, Oracle and Ingres. Besides this Jacob is a very skilled bridge player knowing his Long Hand, Pallooka, Ruff, Scotch, Sticks and Striped-Tailed Ape.

Maciej Krzesinski

Claus Højer Hansen
Claus is responsible for our commercial activities with many years of sales- and partnership experience having worked with companies like Carlsberg, Nordisk Film, Interactive Television Entertainment as well as having had his own business’ within among others computer games and game based e-learning in the company Netucating People. Claus has developed special skills within networking, key account management and setting up sales channels domestically and internationally and are primarily taking care of new biz at Alcensoft. He also knows soccer, still active and having played a few seasons at Skovbakkens 2. division team as midfield dynamo.

Jesper Fabricius

Jan Wernberg
Board member, M.Sc.E.E, former CEO
Jan retired but still hold a seat on the board. Jan wanted to study History but his talent told him otherwise and ended up as civil engineer with a specialty in Computer Science. At 7-Technologies Jan has been working as chief of development with automation and SCADA systems as well as alarm receiving systems for Falck Securitas. Since then it has been all about alarm receiving systems and especially the Safecon platform carried forward with companies like Security Management System A/S, TietoEnator A/S and Sirius IT. The settings changed when making a management buyout of the alarm receiving center software division from Sirius forming Alcensoft with his team giving this niche the focus it deserved. Jan knows anything from strategic planning, project management, database design and programming to neural networks. And he also knows his history.
Alcensoft Denmark
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: +45 22 27 20 10