Doro Care - Trygghetssentralen

Doro Care has a strong technological foundation for growth

Trygghetssentralen wanted to migrate from a smaller and outdated call-center system to having a fully scaleable technological future proof IT platform


The Customer

Doro Care’s former owner SOS International acquired Norwegian based Trygghetssentralen AS from Hjelp24. At the time SOS took over Trygghetssentralen with its 24 hour manned Alarm Receiving Center (ARC) Respons, Hjelp24 had grown to become the biggest player in the Norwegian market within private health services through own health training centers and wanted to narrow its focus in this area. Hjelp24 selling its alarm receiving activities was an obvious like it was an obvious for SOS to acquire these activities in Norway. SOS was now the country’s largest health professional alarm- and contact center able to extend its existing services within Healthcare and provide Norwegian municipalities with emergency alarm services and other response services.

The Scope and Project

Trygghetssentralen wanted to migrate from a smaller outdated call-in system to having a fully scalable technological future proof IT platform enabling them to take primarily emergency calls from their customers handling such distress calls directly through the health professional operators.

An installation of the Alcensoft Safecon system could solve their IT challenge but was only possible if a number of changes were effectuated which would be in line with Trygghetssentralens working methods. In this context, the Safecon alarm receiving platform was needed to be expanded and / or changed with some 30+ new smaller and larger functionalities including design descriptions.

Stage 1 : The new Safecon system was specified, Implemented and peliminary training of Super Users and
Technical Managers effectuated. A data conversion from their existing CallDoc database was effectuated.
Stage 2: Installation of hardware and Safecon was effectuated and completion of training.
Stage 3: Hand-over test was effectuated and and system went into supervised operation
Stage 4: The Safecon system went into normal operation

Not long after the Safecon system was extended with a Safecon Satellite option enabling SOS Trygghetssentralen to extend their Alarm Receiving Center directly to among others Trondheim Municipality who operates their own local alarm Receiving Center based on the SOS Trygghettsentralen, now Doro Care Trygghetssentralen, solution. The Doro Care Tryghetssentralen’s main Alarm Receiving Center situated in Oslo has fallback service and takes over from e.g. Trondheim municipality at predefined hours.

Project was managed by Maciej Gerard Krzesinski, Partner, CMO & Senior Project Lead, M.Sc.EE , Alcensoft A/S alongside Trygghetssentralen project staff Sindre R. Rambøl, Håkon Soldal og Martin Petersen.

Most of the implemented functionalities Doro Care Trygghetssentralen use today are part of the Safecon Care product which we introduce with our resellers and direct to municipalities.

The Benefits

With above Safecon Care solution from Alcensoft SOS Trygghetssentralen, and now Doro Care Trygghetssentralen, received a strong technological foundation when wanting to introdue new digital preventive health treatment solutions to chronically ill and a generally increased elder population who increasingly must be able to take care of their own health in their own homes.
Especially the unique Satellite option has proven a cost effective way for Doro Care to offer total care solutions to municipalities directly and through public tenders. the Satellit option also saved SOS, and now Doro Care, a great deal of money in reduced cost for server aquisitions as well as service and maintenance. The Safecon Care solution has  since its introduction with Trygghetssentralen been fully operational without any interuptions saving time, money and ultimately lives not having to make shortcuts and improvisations in case of breakdowns. Furthermore the Job module built into the Safecon Care system has been real asset to Doro Care enabling to create planned service jobs saving lots in the planning process.


Doro Care – Trygghetssentralen
Telefon: +47 23 32 67 00
Sinsenveien 53 A, 0585 Oslo


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