The Safecon System has been in operation since year 2000 and has been updated on a continuous basis.
“Since we started to license the ARC Software platform Safecon from Alcensoft 10+ years ago, when owned by G4S, we have grown into being among Finland’s top two- and the world’s largest security company. Through our 16 regional offices we service thousands of residential customers to some of Finland’s largest corporations. Being no. 1 commits itself, and operational safety to our customers is naturally of utmost importance. Avarn Security handles in some form around the clock about 150,000 signals from our many customers. The signals can be anything from intrusion to technical alarms, or simply a signal to the log. Such a strain is very demanding for the applied systems reliability and, not least, efficiency and ease of use.
Safecon must be said to fully comply with our requirements above and in particular the reliability is highly valued as we are dealing with mission-critical systems. Their platform has never with us in its lifetime been down … not even during backups or failure of a server. Alcensoft has also managed to give us innovative sparring and secured that the Safecon platform meets our requirements at any time and not least technological development.
Alcensoft have acknowledged that they do not have to- and cannot invent all kinds of modules and systems whose functionalities is a “must” to have at a state of the art Alarm Receiving Centre like ours. However the Alcensoft team is a specialist in supporting all the different manufacturer’s equipment having many different protocols requiring special drivers to work with our alarm receiving platform. And the same has been the case whenever we have had to integrate externally acquired systems and modules such as GIS, CRM, ERP, etc… So we must conclude that the open and more flexible structure of the Safecon ARC software works really well and thus a very good business for us. We would like this professional cooperation to continue with new mutually benefitting initiatives”
– Petteri Korsow
Avarn Security Oy is part of Norwegian parent company Sector Alarm based in Oslo. Besides above specific reference the Safecon Alarm platform is installed and in operation with Avarn Security in Sweden as well.
Safecon must be said to fully comply with our requirements above and in particular the reliability is highly valued as we are dealing with mission-critical systems. Their platform has never with us in its lifetime been down … not even during backups or failure of a server

Contact Avarn Security Finland
Avarn Security Oy,
Development Manager Mr. Petteri Korsow
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